I am taking an old testament class this semester. This week I read the story of Isaac finding his wife, Rebekah. Isaac didn't actually choose his wife himself, Rebekah was chosen for him by a servant. Also, Isaac didn't send the servant himself, his father Abraham sent the servant to find a wife for Isaac. This was a very trusted servant, he was the "eldest servant of his (Abraham's) house, that ruled over all that he had..." Even though this servant was doing something so important, we are never told his name. Abraham asked the servant to put his hand under his thigh and promise that he would do this thing. This same type of promise was used later by Jacob to his son Joseph when it was time for Jacob to die. We were told that Abraham had become a very wealthy man, so the fact that he ruled over all Abraham had meant that he had great responsibilities. I would say that finding a spouse for your master's son, would be the greatest responsibility. When I think about the relationship that must have existed between these two men I envision, trust, mutual respect and friendship. I also envision them having the same belief system, and because of this, the servant must have known the importance of families and choosing a righteous bride for Isaac.
The servant was sent on his way with 10 camels to go find this bride. Outside the city, they came to a well and the servant had the camels kneel down and wait. I am sure that the servant did quite a bit of pondering while he was traveling, on how he was going to find this bride for Isaac. When he arrived at the well he had a plan and presented it to the God of Abraham. He asked god to send him good speed, which sounds like he is asking for success and he also asked God to show kindness unto Abraham. Then he asked the Lord to approve his plan, which was when a girl came down to draw water for her family he would ask her to draw water for him also. If the girl also offered to draw water for his camels, then she would be the correct girl for Isaac to marry. As soon as he finished praying, Rebekah came to the well and the thing he had just prayed for happened. After they were done drinking, he asked Rebekah about her family and he asked if there was room in their house for him and his camels. Next, the servant bowed down and worshiped the Lord. When the servant was taken to meet Rebekah's family, he refused food until he was able to tell his story.
This servant isn't ever mentioned in the scriptures again after this story, but I feel like we can learn from him. He wasn't the main player in the story of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and some would argue he wasn't great, but he did what was required of him, and he did it faithfully and to the best of his ability. He played an important part and did his best. He used the intelligence that God had given him, he came up with a plan and presented it to the Lord. Because this was something that God wanted, God made it happen. I hope I can follow the example of this servant of Abraham and always do the best with what I have been given and go to the Lord to always ask for his approval and help and to finally thank him for all he has given to me.
Engagement Photo Story
This photo is the one we sent out with our wedding announcements. There is a story behind this photo. My sister-in-law was taking our engagement pictures. We decided to go to a park with a small waterfall. It was very picturesque. We took a bunch of nicely posed pictures there. When we were leaving we drove passed and decided to stop at The Flower Fields, in Carlsbad. I wanted to see the flowers up close. The flowers that they plant are called Ranuculas. The plant rows and rows of the flowers on the hill, and they plant them by color. If you ever have the chance, you should go visit. It is very beautiful.
While we were there my sister-in-law said squat down by the flowers and I will take some pictures, so we did. I had taken off my shoes, because heals don't work to well in loose dirt. I was squatting with my dress hiked up to my mid thigh. Brian squatted down behind me, we smiled and Vicki snapped a few pictures; then we left.
This was in the days before instant digital photography. We had to wait a few hours for the picture to be developed so we would know if they had turned out. As we looked thru them, I was kind of disappointed. The pictures didn't seem very flattering to Brian or me. I was thinking, we are going to have to take more pictures, not very fun. Then we came to the pictures from the flower fields. They were great! We were very relieved that we had pictures we could use to send out with our announcements. We both looked great in the pictures.
This picture has always been a reminder that things aren't always as they seem. It wasn't very comfortable getting this picture taken. If you could see our legs you would laugh at how we were squatting. That is just how life is sometimes, we can't always see the big picture. Sometimes things are hard and uncomfortable, but they are going to turn out beautiful in the end. Sometimes we look at others and their lives seem perfect from the outside looking in. We can't always see the trials they are going thru. Brian and I have been married almost 20 years and there have been trials and hardships, but our lives are beautiful.
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